Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Truth......the David Gudelunas Way

David Gudelunas, a professor of communications at Fairfield University, visited Dr. Sapp and Dr. Simon’s ENW 350 Digital Writing class to discuss his opinion about the evolution about blogs and web-based communication.

He first affirmed that he believes blogs did not begin simply because of technology. They started to give people a voice. That voice could say whatever they wanted to and they could say it anonymously.

It is an opportunity for people to talk about popular culture with other people who they ordinarily would not have the chance to speak with or hear about. The information has the potential to be endless.

Gudelunas went on to go over some of his favorite weblogs and what was so interesting to him. A self-proclaimed avid blog reader, he says he spends hours a day perusing these sites. He was shocked to find that barely any student in the class shared his zeal for this phenomenon.

Gudelunas summed up by believing that blogs main purpose was a quest for truth. That people were on these sites in an effort to find the most information, facts, and opinions on a given topic so they themselves can form a truthful opinion.

Upon questioning, he confessed that he would not want a blog of his own because he is fearful of what his peers might think. Between his students and other faculty, he believes his ideas would be too provocative for Fairfield's Jesuit background to handle. Who know? Maybe he is just saying that while he is posting weblogs anonymously because after all, he has the ability to.

All in all, he provided many great points about blogs but failed to express how this is a permanent part of our society as opposed to a modern trend.

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